Liquid Collagen

Collagen is 30% of your body cells, the secret of your youth, skin health, hair and nails. And now with Liquid Collagen, you can enhance your natural beauty and slow down the aging process.
The complex is based on tripeptide of fish collagen, which penetrates deep layers of skin, working at full capacity.
The complex is presented in a drinking form, which is convenient to take along.

Responds to the following health inquiries:
  • smoothing fine wrinkles and improving skin elasticity
  • prevent brittle nails and hair
  • aging
  • increasing muscle and ligament elasticity

How to take?
50 ml a day (1 bottle) after 30-60 minutes after eating. Shake it before use. Also, you can dilute it in a glass with water. Drink no more than three bottles a day.
The course of admission
The recommended duration is 20 days. Positive effect on the fifth day of application.
Should I take a break from complex?
The recommended break is not more than 2 months.
MG per vial:
Collagen - 15000 mg

Energy value in 1 vial(50 ml): 80 kKal/330 kJ
Contraindications: individual intolerance of product components, pregnancy.