Habit for life. Do bariatric patients really need vitamins?
Answering the most popular questions about vitamin and mineral support for bariatric patients
In 2 out of 10 cases, BariaBalance Customer Care Service encounters similar issues with bariatric patients:

«Why should I take vitamins all the time?»

«Do I have to take vitamins every month if my doctor has prescribed only 2 courses a year?»

«My physician said that tests are good and vitamins may not be taken, but is there a recommendation of the Ministry of Health?»

We understand why this question causes so much controversy and doubt because the opinions of many specialists really differ. We have turned to serious authorities to answer these questions with maximum precision

First of all, there are national clinical recommendations that are based on the observations of thousands of patients across the country. Such recommendations, for example, are noted in the professional scientific journal «Obesity and metabolism»:
«For all the patients after bariatric surgeries, especially after shunting operations (GBP and DS), lifelong intake of vitamins and micro-elements is recommended. Level of credibility of recommendations A (level of evidence 1).»


On his YouTube channel, Alexander Neimark, PhD, surgeon, associate professor, leading researcher, head of the Research Laboratory for Surgery of Metabolic Disorders of the Almazov National Medical Research Center, member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), President of the Russian Society of Bariatric Surgeons, held a broadcast dedicated to vitamin and mineral support for bariatric patients. The guest of the broadcast, Alexandra Malykhina, therapist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the treatment and diagnostic department of the Multidisciplinary Clinic - Center for Endosurgery and Lithotripsy and clinical pharmacologist, especially emphasizes the importance of regular vitamin and mineral support for bariatric patients.
Витамины после бариатрической операции
Какой должна быть обязательная витаминная поддержка бариатрических пациентов
"Obesity surgery involves a number of specific features of working with patients, including lifelong monitoring of patients, including issues of post-operative therapy, vitamin and mineral support.

It is important to not only track the patient's weight before and after surgery, it is absolutely necessary that the weight loss process to be carried out as carefully as possible and at minimal cost.

Obesity is a life-long diagnosis that can progress and reoccur at any point in a patient’s life, so monthly vitamin and mineral support is also important to maintain normal metabolic status throughout the patient’s life."

Yuri Yashkov
Practising surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor
Honorary President of the Society of Bariatric Surgeons of Russia, President of the Society of Bariatric Surgeons of Russia from 2000 to 2017. President of the European Section of the International Federation of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO-European Chapter) in 2012-2014.

More about vitamin support for patients can be found in one of the topics raised in an interview with Yuri Yashkov on our YouTube channel.
Знакомство с экспертом
Юрий Иванович Яшков рассказывает о бариатрии в России
Among developed countries the United States of America ranks high in the prevalence of obesity among the population, but US research in this area is among the most advanced. Their national recommendations also include lifetime intake of vitamin and mineral support:



All these experts and sources agree that vitamin and mineral support is an integral part of post-bariatric health care throughout life.

It is important to remember that taking vitamins is not a зутфден, it is a good habit of taking care of yourself and your body. Physical exercises, eight-hour sleep, regular outdoors walking, drinking water during the day, these are also the habits that give a noticeable result, preventing many serious diseases. When ignoring simple and useful habits you may miss the time, and the longer the habit takes place the, the longer the effect is. And yes, it’s never too late to start, but it would be nice not to regret not having started earlier.

In the case of vitamin support for bariatric patients, new anatomy of the digestive organs requires special attention. It is easy to miss the onset of vitamin deficiency but it may be very difficult to cope with its consequences. Bariatric surgery has already become a path to a new life and a new healthy body, and vitamins will be a constant and pleasant companion on the way.

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